Friday, June 24, 2011

Cheese Cake Lychee

Black Forest - My Birthday

Yakin bakalan ditodong pas ultah & yakin bgt pasti pd ngoceh "masa tukang kue pas ultah ga bawa kue & pastina bakalan di bajak utk traktir lunch" akhirna bikin Black Forest & Cheese Cake Lychee. Semua ukuran 22x22, cukup bgt utk temen temen kantor 50 orang..daaaaaaaaaaan bener kan...lg otw office, my boss sms " do you bring a cake for entire office?" if yes, I don't mind you are late!...wakakakaka...mpe segitunya deeehhh...emang si boss ini ga sarapan apah dr rumah..mpe segitu ngarepin...
My big boss dpt 2 pieces cake, black forest & cheese cake.. ga sampe 5 menit tuh cake udh ludes sampe piring & sendok nya licin cling!!.. he said " great taste Wenny..sambil ngacungin 2 jempol" where you bought the cake? whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat????? I said, thanks, I made both cakes last night! & dia ga percaya..akhirnya one of my colleague said " Yes Stig, she made the cakes, I ever ordered a cake to her and very delicious cake. Amazing...he still doesn't believe it...he convince himself both cakes was ordered from the bakery shop..waow..waow..waow..